Belladonna Division “Coronation”

Date:            January 15, 2022

Venue: 300 Arena
Gadsden Mall
1001 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, Alabama 35901

Tickets: Ringside $20
General Admission $15

Parking: Mall Parking lot

Snacks: Peanuts $1
Soda $1

Promoters: Kaci Dillon
Veronica Fairchild

Ring Announcers: Joe Crowe
Rosaria Elsa

Referees: Beckie Phillips
Aubrey Edwards
Adam Houck

Commentary: Scott Reznor
Stephanie Hardy


$9.99 (Pay Per View)


The BellaDonna Division was created in 2021 by former kayfabe rivals “The Princess of Darkness” Kaci Dillon and Veronica Fairchild. Their social media describes the company as an all female based professional wrestling promotion currently housed in Gadsden, Alabama that is owned/operated from top to bottom by women. In Episode 1 of BellaDonna Affect, Dillon and Fairchild explain how they were determined to make the product the antithesis of “diva” era sports entertainment and present serious, wrestling-focused shows.

The venue for this event was the 300 Arena inside the Gadsden Mall in Gasden, Alabama. The arena is located near the mall entrance by the bowling alley. The 300 Arena is the home of Spartan Championship Wrestling, as well as British Empire Wrestling. BEW was recently acquired by BellaDonna Division owner Kaci Dillon and ran a show at the 300 Arena this past August.

 The arena looks to have been an old part of a movie theater. When you enter the main doors, there’s a concession stand and lobby area directly in front of you. Once you get your tickets, there is a curtained theater entrance to the arena off to the right. Inside the arena, the ring was set up in the front where an orchestra pit would normally be. There were two rows of ringside seats on opposite sides, and several elevated rows of theater seating facing the ring.

Ten Bell Salute for Daffney

Before the show started, Kaci Dillon and Veronica Fairchild entered the ring where a table with candles was set up. Dillon and Fairchild took a moment to pay tribute to the late, legendary Shannon Spruill, better known to wrestling fans as Daffney. Spruill tragically took her own life in September 2021, sending shockwaves through the wrestling world. Dillon stated that Daffney was a “wrestling mama” to many of today’s current performers and that some would have even been homeless without her. Dillon stated that Daffney touched more people in the wrestling business than anyone else.

The ten bell salute that followed was not enough tribute for them. Dillon and Fairchild announced that the candles would be lit in honor of Daffney at every event moving forward. Soon after, Spartan Championship Wrestling Ring Announcer Joe Crowe came into the arena to pump the fans up as the live-to-tape pay-per-view began.


Ref Beckie looks on as Jay Lee stomps on Cassandra Golden

The tournament to crown the first ever Forbidden Elegance Champion got underway with this match featuring, heavy crowd favorite Cassandra Golden taking on Jay Lee. Fans will recognize Golden from her appearances in IMPACT and AEW Dark, as well as many independent wrestling promotions. Jay Lee confidently strode to the ring, seemingly not concerned with her opponent. Lee said “This is going to be easy” as she turned to the referee and asked “How do I look?”

As the match got underway, the competitors locked up and reset after Golden pushed Lee into the ropes. The fans clapped loudly for Golden as they locked up again. This time, the women exchanged a series of holds and reversals until Golden managed to hold a wristlock from which Lee could not escape. Lee whipped Golden into the ropes, but was knocked senseless by a shoulder tackle from Golden.

Golden followed a hip toss with a pin attempt, but managed only a two count. Golden flung Lee into the corner for a huge splash, then looked to do it again in the opposite corner. This time, Lee got an elbow in Golden’s face, slowing her momentum. Lee charged, but Golden picked her up in a sidewalk slam that crashed Lee into the mat.

Lee hit several shots on Golden and then slammed her face into the mat and took control of the match. From there, Lee tried to choke Golden with the ropes. When the referee counted to five, Lee explained that she was only stretching. After several stomps to the back, a standing Jay Lee put her boot on the throat of Golden once more.

Golden managed to block a Jay Lee splash with her boot, then fired up her comeback with a series of strikes and shoulder blocks. After a splash in the corner, Golden picked Jay Lee up in a fireman’s carry and slammed her to the mat for the victory.



Trixie attempts a reverse neck breaker on Layna Lennox

Layna Lennox, who many fans have also seen on AEW Dark, was booed heavily as she entered the arena. This may have something to do with the fact that she was harassing children at ringside on her way into the ring. Lennox’s opponent known as the Twisted Game Master from the Twisted Asylum, Trixie, was the fan favorite here.

Trixie started the match on fire with a series of strikes and drop kicks, sending the fans into a frenzy. Lennox stopped the rally with a block of a kick from Trixie, a suplex, and a near fall. Trixie managed to grab a wristlock momentarily, but Lennox punched her way out of the hold, whipped Trixie into the corner and landed a splash. Lennox continued the onslaught with a snap mare and a forward somersault cutter to Trixie.

Late in the match, Trixie seemed to be in the driver’s seat after a superkick halted Lennox long enough for Trixie to land a series of strikes, a sling blade, and a running boot in the corner. Following a near fall, Trixie looked for a reverse neck breaker, but Lennox managed to block the hold. Layna connected with a side Russian leg sweep, then locked Trixie in a crossface which forced Trixie to submit.


During a television timeout, Kaci Dillon and Veronica Fairchild came out to keep the fans entertained. Dillon put on an impromptu Prozac commercial and began listing side effects, which popped the crowd. More importantly, though, the promoters informed everyone that the next BellaDonna Division show will take place on April 16 in Mt. Vernon, Illinois and it will be live on Fite TV. Follow BellaDonna Division on social media for more information about that event as it becomes available.


Jordynne Grace holds Renee Michelle in a suplex for a LONG TIME

The third match of the first round featured two competitors that are well known to wrestling fans. Renee Michelle, who many fans have seen on IMPACT, AEW Dark, SHINE and even WWE, screeched at the crowd to “SHUT UP!!” as they cheered for her opponent, current IMPACT Digital Media Champion Jordynne Grace.

Grace grabbed a headlock after a takeover as the match began. Michelle made it back to her feet and sent Grace into the ropes. Renee avoided Grace with a cartwheel on her first pass by, but found herself locked back in a Jordynne Grace headlock soon after. This time, it was Grace who whipped Renee Michelle into the ropes, floored her with a shoulder tackle, then held her up high in a suplex until the fans counted to twenty.

Renee ended up in the corner where Grace looked to splash her. However, Michelle pulled the referee in the path of a charging Grace. This distracted the referee long enough for Michelle to attack Grace with her back turned. From there, Michelle took command. She rammed Grace’s head into the turnbuckle, then placed her foot on Grace’s throat until the referee counted to four and a half. Michelle continued with kicks in the corner and yelled at the referee loudly for trying to break it up.

Michelle tried to whip Grace into the ropes, but Jordynne sand bagged her. Instead, Jordynne threw Michelle into the corner for a hard running knee, then came off the second rope with a splash. When that garnered just a two count, Grace hit another knee to Renee and went for a sunset flip. Renee Michelle managed to stop the forward motion, sat down on Grace, and held the ropes for leverage.



Heather Monroe posee for the crowd

Heather Monroe, who I first saw at IWC Unbreakable in September 2021, was all about working “smarter and not harder” in her first round encounter with “The Bombshell” Gemma Jewels. After a lockup ended with Monroe tossed into the corner by Jewels, Monroe grabbed a headlock on Gemma and connected with a series of arm drags. A back slide and a roll up each resulted in just a two count for Monroe.

Gemma used a boot to the throat of Monroe to slow down her opponent. After the referee admonished Jewels for her conduct, Gemma draped Monroe’s neck over the ropes and choked her some more. Jewels set Monroe up in the corner and landed a huge running knee. When she went for a second one, Monroe moved out of the way just in time.

The crowd shouted their approval as Monroe fired up her comeback with several loud chops, a backspring elbow, and a running boot to Gemma Jewels. Monroe attempted a Michinoku Driver, but could not lift Gemma. Instead, Monroe hit multiple back kicks and a DDT to advance to the second round.



Ray Lyn with a rear choke on The Island Girl

Current MCW Pro Wrestling women’s champion, Ray Lyn (who I also first saw at IWC Unbreakable, teaming with Heather Monroe) was another fan favorite as she took on “Island Girl” Tracy Taylor, who many fans might recognize from her appearances in SHINE and Deep South Wrestling. In truth, Taylor had her share of supporters in the crowd, as well, which left the audience split as the match got underway.

Neither combatant could gain the advantage early, which led to multiple resets as the fighters felt each other out. Finally, after an exchange of headlocks, Taylor grabbed Ray Lyn’s leg and applied an ankle lock. When Ray Lyn failed to submit, Tracy held each of her hands and pushed her shoulders into the mat to try to force a pin.

Ray Lyn reversed into a leg lock and then a sitting chin lock to Taylor on the mat. Taylor rose to her feet and connected with several elbows. Now free, Taylor grabbed a chin lock of her own. As Taylor had done before, Ray Lyn rose to her feet and landed several punches, a kick to the chest and a diving double knee drop off the ropes. Following a near fall, Ray Lyn set Taylor up in the corner, smashed The Island Girl with a running knee, and a flying body press off the middle rope.

Taylor regained her composure long enough to throw Ray Lyn into the ropes and connect with two drop kicks and a tilt-a-whirl slam. Taylor let the crowd know it was time to go surfing as she stood on Ray Lyn’s back and maneuvered her into a surfboard. Ray Lyn said, “I’m swimming! I’m swimming!” as she slowly moved toward the ropes. The referee called for the break, but Taylor wanted no part of it. Tracy grabbed Ray Lyn by the feet and pulled to release Ray Lyn’s grasp on the bottom rope. This backfired on Taylor whose championship hopes were dashed as Ray Lyn landed on her feet, and destroyed Taylor with a super kick.



Ivelisse in control against Valentina Loca

Current SHINE Champion, “La Sicaria” Ivelisse attacked her opponent, “The Southwest Spitfire” Valentina Loca before the bell sounded in this final first round tournament match. Ivellise charged Loca in the corner and wailed on her with punches until the referee broke it up. Loca landed some punches of her own before she was whipped into the corner by Ivelisse and chopped viciously by La Sicaria.

Ivelisse continued her assault on Loca with a series of kicks and stomps to Valentina’s back as Loca slumped onto the ropes. Later, Ivelisse held a rear choke on Loca as Valentina pounded the mat to elicit some crowd support. When Loca made it to the ropes, Ivelisse refused to break. Instead Ivelisse begin furiously punching Loca, then rose to her feet and asked the crowd, “That’s who you’re cheering for?”

Valentina Loca tried to make a comeback with a headbutt to the chin of Ivelisse following by a sling blade. For a moment, it looked like Loca might pull of the upset when she locked La Sicaria in a step over toe hold face lock (STF). In the end, however, Ivelisse landed her signature Recoil (rolling snapmare into a kick) to put Loca down for good. After the bell, Ivelisse continued to attack Loca which proved to be a fatal mistake later in the evening.



Renee Michelle whips Cassandra Golden into the ropes

After the intermission, first round winners Cassandra Golden and Renee Michelle returned to the ring for their round two tournament match. Renee Michelle seemed genuinely afraid of Golden from the outset. Two lockups resulted in Renee Michelle retreating to the ropes and demanding the referee call for a break. The third time Golden attempted a lockup, Michelle avoided her entirely and rolled out of the ring.

Once Renee was back in the ring, Cassandra Golden began working on her arm. Golden yanked Michelle’s arm around the ring and eventually settled into an arm bar. Michelle tried to work her way out of the hold unsuccessfully several times. Frustrated, Michelle snatched a handful of Golden’s hair and pulled her into the corner. As the referee called for a break, Michelle landed a cheap shot to the face, followed by multiple boots until the referee finally intervened and warned Michelle that she was very close to a disqualification.

Renee Michelle continued to defy the ref with an obvious choke down on the mat which infuriated the fans. In response, Michelle informed the crowd that fans in Alabama are losers. At that point, Golden had had enough. Cassandra rose to her feet and connected with several hard elbows, breaking Michelle’s grasp. Golden leveled Renee with two clotheslines and a big boot to the face. In the end, Golden caught Michelle in a Michinoku Driver as Michelle attempted a move off the ropes to secure the victory. Renee Michelle continued to berate the referee and the fans as she was helped to the back.



Layna Lennox tells Ref Aubrey Edwards to count faster

This second round match got underway with Layna Lennox sarcastically blowing kisses at the fans as they booed her. After a lockup and reset, Monroe put Lennox in a headlock, then attempted several rapid fire pin combinations, all of which resulted in two counts. Monroe looked to parlay her momentum into more success using a arm drag, but Lennox managed to stun Monroe with a boot to the face.

Now in command, Lennox whipped Monroe to the opposite corner and charged for a hard splash. From there, Layna took Monroe to the mat with a snap mare, then connected with a forward somersault cutter and a Shining Wizard, but could not get the pin. Another whip into the corner by Lennox ended with a Monroe elbow to the face as Lennox approached. Lennox charged a second time, but Monroe managed to kick Lennox in the face, then come off the second rope with a flying body press.

Later in the match, the competitors found themselves on their knees exchanging forearm shots. As they stood up, the women alternated loud chops. Eventually, Monroe connected with several consecutive shots and a splash in the corner to Lennox. Monroe placed Layna’s neck over the ropes and used her knee to choke Lennox.

When Heather Monroe picked Lennox up for a Michinoku driver, Layna reversed, sent Monroe into the ropes and slammed Heather into the mat with a spinebuster. Lennox attempted a side Russian leg sweep, which Monroe blocked. After a suplex, Lennox held Heather Monroe in an arm bar until Monroe reached the ropes. The referee called for a break and Lennox rushed at Monroe. Heather saw Lennox coming, picked Layna up in a piggy back position and sat out for the finisher.



Ray Lyn trying to escape the grasp of La Sicaria

Ivelisse again attacked her opponent before the bell. She grabbed Ray Lyn by the hair and threw her from one corner of the ring to the other. Ray Lyn countered with several punches, a beautiful drop kick, and a second kick to send La Sicaria to the outside. Ray followed Ivelisse outside and walloped her with several chops. The two competitors were nearly counted out, but Ivelisse rolled in and out of the ring at eight, resetting the referee’s count.

Ray Lyn managed to throw Ivelisse back in the ring and immediately took to the top rope. Ivelisse had enough time to get to the corner and attack Ray Lyn while still on the ropes. As the referee instructed Ivelisse to let Ray Lyn down on her own, Ivelisse body slammed Ray Lyn from the top turnbuckle and sent her crashing into the mat.

Now with the advantage, Ivelisse landed multiple kicks, then suplexed Ray Lyn into a bridge pin attempt. When that failed, Ivelisse tried a double underhook suplex and set her opponent up in the corner for more punishment. Ray Lyn tried to counter with punches, chops and elbows to Ivelisse, but a superkick from Ivelisse ended Ray Lyn’s comeback. A rear naked choke from La Sicaria left Ray Lyn gasping for air.

In the corner, however, Ray Lyn got her second wind. Ray landed a kick to stop the charging Ivelisse. When Ivelisse tried a second time, Ray Lyn connected with a hurricanrana that got the fans pumped up. Ivelisse rushed at Ray a third time, but Ray Lyn was ready with a leg sweep and a diving double knee drop.

Ray Lyn went back up to the top rope, but Ivelisse was ready again. This time, however, as Ivelisse approached, Ray Lyn jumped over Ivelisse and hit a nasty kick to the midsection. Ivelisse countered with the Recoil move that won her first round match, but only garnered a two count. Ivelisse rose to her feet and signaled the end was near. At that moment, Valentina Loca ran in from the back and distracted Ivelisse long enough for Ray Lyn to hit the cutter out of nowhere.



Dexter Roswell stands over David Ali and Ryan Rembrandt

With round two of the tournament in the books, Joe Crowe came out to announce the lone men’s match of the evening as the remaining tournament competitors prepared for round three. Enter “Remarkable” Ryan Rembrandt and David Ali to loud boos from the crowd. There were two kids standing next to me all night trying to get high fives from the wrestlers. Rembrandt looked to accommodate one of them, but faked them out and taunted them instead. Let me tell you, those kids hated that guy.

Their opponent for the evening was Dexter Roswell, whose mission is to “Make Wrestling Great Again.” Roswell entered with little American flags to pass out to the fans. Dressed in all denim, Dexter looked on as Ali and Rembrandt argued about who hated him more. Eventually, Ali and Rembrandt turned on each other. Roswell attempted to attack, but found himself on the receiving end of a double chop.

A double clothesline by Dexter sent Ali and Rembrandt out of the ring. Ali looked to the crowd and asked, “You guys are cheering for that crap?” Dexter Roswell sat on the top turnbuckle waiting for both men to re-enter the ring. When they did and charged at Roswell, Dexter kicked them each in the face. Angered, Ali and Rembrandt knocked Roswell off the turnbuckle out onto the floor.

Outside, Ali attacked Roswell, but was slammed into the ring post for his efforts. Rembrandt came out to assist and threw Roswell back into the ring. Rembrandt took control of Roswell briefly with a headbutt into the turnbuckle. However, after a failed pin attempt, David Ali threw Rembrandt out of the ring. Roswell battled Ali on the apron momentarily as Rembrandt re-entered the ring. Dexter threw both men back outside and connected with a tope suicida that sent everyone crashing into the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Dexter focused on Ali. Dexter whipped Ali into the corner and charged. Dexter threw Ali out onto the apron, but Ali was not finished. He used a shoulder block and hard shot to get back in the ring. Just as Ali was looking to secure the victory, Rembrandt snuck in, threw Roswell out of the ring and took the victory for himself. When the match was over, the kids next to me were furious. Rembrandt came over to them and mimicked crying in their face to successfully maintain his heat with the under-18 demo.



Cassandra Golden with a Boston Crab on Heather Monroe

The first match of the semifinals of the tournament featured two of the most popular competitors on the card in Cassandra Golden and Heather Monroe. The two women shook hands cleanly in a show of sportsmanship before the bell rang. The first lockup ended up in the ropes which forced a clean break.

Neither competitor could gain a clear advantage as the match unfolded. After the initial break, Golden charged Monroe in the corner, but Heather moved out of the way and countered with a back handspring elbow. This time, Monroe rushed at Golden for a big kick, but Golden moved out of the way and picked up Heather for a front slam. Golden locked Monroe in a full nelson briefly, then picked up her opponent in suplex position, only to drop Monroe forward onto her face.

After a chin lock and bridge by Monroe, Golden and Heather rose to their feet and looked to attack each other. They connected with simultaneous kicks, then simultaneous clotheslines, which left both women exhausted on the mat. The referee’s count reached only five before the women were on their knees pummeling each other with forearms. Golden sent Monroe to the corner, stunned her with a splash, then dragged her to the center of the ring. Golden attempted to come off the top tope, but Monroe blocked with her foot. Golden saw the boot coming and managed to evade it and lock Monroe in a Boston Crab.

Monroe managed to maneuver herself to the ropes to force the break. However, Golden was in the driver’s seat at this point. She lifted Monroe up into a fireman’s carry. Monroe punched her way out and attempted a kick which missed. This gave Cassandra the chance for a quick roll-up to advance to the finals.


RAY LYN vs. ??????

Kaci Dillon dances momemts before Ray Lyn gets the quick pin to advance to the finals

Prior to the second semifinal match, promoter Kaci Dillon entered the arena wearing a referee’s shirt. Dillon announced that she would be the special referee and waited in the ring as Ray Lyn came out for her third match of the evening. However, Ray Lyn’s opponent never materialized. The music played, but no opponent came out to challenge Ray Lyn. Dillon whispered to ring announcer, Rosaria Elsa, who announced that Dillon herself would enter the match to face Ray Lyn. As the crowd cheered loudly and Dillon danced in celebration, the bell rang. Ray Lyn snuck up behind The Princess of Darkness and rolled her up for the easy victory.



Cassandra Golden and Ray Lyn battle at ringside in the finals

After the final television time out, during which Fairchild and Dillon called a kid from the audience to pick the winning ticket in the raffle for an autographed Aubrey Edwards shirt, it was time for the main event.

Ray Lyn took control right away with four consecutive drop kicks. Golden countered with three consecutive shoulder blocks. Ray Lyn looked for a flying body press off the middle ropes, but Golden caught her mid-air for a fall away slam.

The action spilled outside the ring next. Golden went out first, followed by Ray Lyn who attempted a flying body press off the ring apron. Golden caught Ray in mid-air rammed her back into the ring post. They continued to battle on the ring apron until Golden re-entered and Ray stayed outside for an extra moment to regain her composure.

Back inside, Golden destroyed Ray Lyn with three consecutive clotheslines and a reverse splash in the corner. Ray Lyn attempted a comeback with ferocious forearms, but Golden whipped her into the ropes and punished Ray Lyn with a spinebuster. Golden picked Ray up in a fireman’s carry, but Ray Lyn elbowed her way out of it and started a flurry of punches and kicks to slow Golden’s momentum.

Confidently in control, Ray Lyn pounded Golden with a running knee lift and a shotgun dropkick from the middle rope. Following an unsuccessful pin attempt, Ray Lyn looked for a cutter but was blocked by Golden. Cassandra countered with a fireman’s carry into an airplane spine into a Michinoku driver to become the first ever BellaDonna Division Forbidden Elegance Champion.


Afterward, I had an opportunity to speak with the new champion…

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