TV Review – CCW Alive Episode 84

Coastal Championship Wrestling “Alive” Episode 84 debuted tonight on YouTube. Both matches were pre-taped at CCW’s Bash at the Beach 14 from the Unbranded Brewing Company in Hialeah, Florida on March 5, 2022. Here is what happened:


Jackal Stevens gets himself disqualified

ERA earned this opportunity at the CCW Southeastern Championship with his win in the “Go for the Gold” win at Bash at the Brew 13. Before the bell, he grabbed the CCW Southwestern Championship belt and attacked Jackal Stevens. Jackal managed to recover with chops and a Lou Thesz press and threw the challenger outside the ring.

After several minutes battling on the floor. ERA took control inside the ring. When a DDT garnered only a two count, ERA choked Stevens until the ref forced a break, then used a knee to the back to choke the champion on the ring ropes and taunted the crowd. However, ERA would be unable to put away the champion and his frustration became visible.

Later when Jackal Stevens climbed to the top rope, ERA managed to get up and hit the ropes to knock him down. ERA quickly climbed up top and hit a Super Hurricanrana, then connected with a hard clothesline, but still could not get the pinfall. ERA argued with the referee and went outside the ring. He grabbed a chair and the CCW Southwestern Championship.

Upon his return, ERA dropped the chair but looked to hit Jackal Stevens with the title belt. As the referee struggled with ERA trying to take the belt away, it ended up in the hands of the champion. Stevens attempted to hit ERA but missed an clocked referee Amy Veronica instead. Stevens connected with the Olympic Slam and new referee Andy Seeley came out to count the pinfall, or so it seemed. When Amy Veronica came to, she disqualified the champion which allowed ERA to earn the victory and retain his Go for the Gold title opportunity for another time.



Beastman puts away T.C. Read

Lew Spectre and Xander Frost accompanied Beastman (and carried his bone) to the ring for this match against the popular “Florida Man” T.C. Read. Read had his hands full trying to do anything that would have an effect on Beastman. First he tried a headlock, but Beastman simply stood up and Read’s feet were no longer on the ground. Next Read attempted a shoulder tackle but ended up on his back. When he tried coming off the ropes with a cross-body, Beastman caught him in mid-air. Read managed to escape Beastman’s clutches and connected with a drop kick and a superkick, but Beastman was still on his feet. When Read looked for an Irish Whip, Beastman reversed and leveled The Florida Man with a clothesline.

Beastman pulled Read into the corner by his hair and bit his forehead until the referee counted to four. Beastman hit a sit-out choke bomb on The Florida Man, then flattened him with a Whoopie Cushion from the top rope for the win. After the match, Beastman continued attacking Read. Several wrestlers and referees came out from the back, but it was Lew Spectre who finally convinced the big man to call it a night.


“Alive” airs on YouTube on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM EDT. Stay Tuned next week for Episode 85 featuring Cha Cha Charlie defending the CCW Heavyweight Championship against Agony, plus, Beastman, Anthony Catena, and more!!

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