Monster Factory Pro Wrestling – “Passion”

Date:           April 30, 2022

Venue: Monster Factory
541c Mantua Avenue
Paulsboro, New Jersey 08066

Tickets: Front Row $15.00
Second Row $12.50
Third Row and back $10.00

Parking: Lot adjacent to building
Neighborhood street parking
(Do not block driveways)

Snacks: Soda $2.00
Pizza $3.00

Promoter: Danny Cage

Ring Announcer: Derrick T. Lewis




Monster Factory Pro Wrestling operates out of the World Famous Monster Factory in Paulsboro, New Jersey. Larry Sharpe opened the Monster Factory alongside “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers in 1983. In 2011, Danny Cage purchased the name from Larry Sharpe and relocated the Monster Factory to the Paulsboro Wrestling Club in New Jersey. Since that time, the Monster Factory is proud to say that former students such as Matt Riddle, Nick Comoroto, LSG, Ian Riccaboni, Steve Cutler, Damian Priest, QT Marshall, and Preston Vance have gone on to big time success in the major companies.

I arrived at The Monster Factory just as the doors were about to open. There is a small parking lot adjacent to the building, as well as street parking in the surrounding neighborhood. Danny Cage made an announcement during the event that someone had parked in front of a driveway and blocked someone in. So, if you go to a show and park on the street, pay attention so the residents of Mantua Avenue stay happy.

Inside the building, there’s a small lobby where you buy tickets or check in. At that table, the employees get everyone to sign a release which gives The Monster Factory permission to broadcast your likeness on Apple TV (where this show will air in addition to Youtube).

The arena is long and rectangular. As such, the setup is similar to theater seating. There is one row chairs along each wall to the side. The entrance ramp comes from behind the ring. The main seating area, containing multiple rows of seats, is opposite the entrance ramp. Along the back side wall was a merchandise table and a concessions table. I walked in, sat down, and the pre-show matches started almost immediately.


Chris Desmond with the near fall on Brian Rosario

Jason Morgan and Chris Desmond, The Mean Guys, took control of this match from the opening bell. Desmond and Morgan worked over “Loverboy” Larry Jackson for several minutes before Morgan arrogantly insisted Jackson tag his partner, Brian Rosario. The Mean Guys double teamed Rosario, as well. At one point, Morgan raked Rosario’s face from the floor while Desmond distracted the referee.

Brian Rosario almost made the hot tag to Larry Jackson, but Jason Morgan crawled around ringside and pulled Jackson off the apron by his foot before he could do so. Eventually, Rosario used a spinning neck breaker to try to create some distance between him and Desmond and tagged Jackson. Loverboy came in with a flurry and briefly mounted some offense on The Mean Guys, but a Jason Morgan back body drop set up the spinning leg sweep finisher and that was all she wrote.



Xander punishing Nathan Black in the corner

The much larger Xander taunted Nathan Black as the bell sounded, telling Black, “Come on, little man. You’re looking nervous.” As the match started, Xander pounded on Black with chops in one corner, shoulder blocks in another and a vicious fall away slam. When a big boot garnered just a two count, Xander told Black to “Just quit!”

Black tried to rally with a flurry of punches and forearms, but as he came off the ropes for a cross body, Xander caught Black in mid-air and looked for another fall away slam. This time, Black escaped and landed the cross body. Xander attempted to counter with another suplex, but with the crowd behind him, Black wriggled out and rolled up Xander for the surprise pinfall.



Nick Battee with the single leg crab on Kodiak

After the manager of World Renowned looked to give a fan Brian Morris’ t-shirt, Morris went out into the crowd and snatched it back from them. From the apron, Nick Battee said, “Don’t give our precious merch away to these people.” Inside the ring, the unpredictable Michelle waited for the bell to ring, then slapped a big kiss on Brian Morris. Shocked and confused, Morris tagged out to Battee who met the same fate.

The World Renowned used nefarious tactics to maintain control for a while and seemed poised for the victory. Not only did Brian Morris use the ropes to choke Kodiak in front of the referee, but he did it a second time when Nick Battee caused a distraction. Somehow, Kodiak managed a choke slam that gave him an opportunity to tag in Michelle.

Michelle took down both members of World Renowned with shoulder tackles and a neck breaker, then left both men in opposite corner for matching bronco busters. An Air Raid Slam led to a pin attempt that was broken up by Brian Morris. However, Kodiak entered, hit Morris with a spinning uranage, and teamed with Michelle for the finishing double press slam to Nick Battee.



Travis Jacobs goes for the pump handle slam to Westfield Kelly

The MFPW Arena champion, Westfield Kelly arrived with his brother Grayson for this much anticipated match against fan favorite Travis Jacobs. Following an early flurry by Jacobs, Kelly gained the upper hand with a big boot to the face. Kelly hit successive suplexes as the fans chanted, “Let’s go T.J.!!”

The momentum finally shifted when Travis Jacobs turned an Irish Whip into a small package. Up on their feet, the two men exchanged slaps until a huge Jacobs forearm leveled Kelly. Sensing the end was near, Jacobs connected with an ushi garoshi, then converted an Oklahoma Roll into a rear naked choke for the submission.



“Classy” Max Sterling explains why Mike Z is not ready to face him yet

The fans booed Max Sterling resoundingly as he made his way to the ring. Sterling let everyone know that Mike Z was supposed to have a match with him that night which was canceled. Why was the match canceled? Because Mike Z was not ready to face a ring veteran like Sterling after just a handful of matches. Sterling said that Mike Z needed to prove to him that he was ready for such a high-profile match with a good showing against Middleweight Medallion holder, Jafar.


The Primodonnas argue with fans

The Primadonnas took their time getting started in this match. Before the initial lockup, Samuel Thompson stopped and said he needed a kiss from Valerie Verman first. Marvelous allowed the show of affection, then used an eye poke and a basement dropkick to take control. Carreras tagged in, but Thompson was wary of locking up with her. So, Thompson tagged in Verman who Carreras called Bimbo Barbie.

Carreras gave Verman time to tag out, but Samuel Thompson had no intention of getting in the ring with Carreras. Instead, Carreras whipped Verman into the ropes. Thompson, on the apron, grabbed and held Verman to avoid Carreras’ offense, but Carreras charged, Verman ducked, and Thompson was nailed by a Carreras forearm.

The Primadonnas managed to double team Carreras momentarily, including double ripcord knees to La Chica. When Thompson tagged back in and charged at Carreras, she moved which sent Thompson flying out of the ring. Carreras tagged in Marvelous who laid out Thompson with a flurry of punches and kicks. Verman entered with a boot, but Marvelous caught it and held it as he hit an ensiguri to Thompson. With Verman and Thompson down, Carreras and Marvelous climbed to the top rope in opposite corners and hit simultaneous splashes to The Primadonnas.



Mike Z looks to put away Jafar

As the folks in the crowd chanted, “Zee! Zee! Zee!” the challenger astutely avoided a Jafar drop kick and countered with two of his own. Jafar rolled outside the ring for a breather, but Mike Zee chased him outside, threw Jafar back in, and connected with a third drop kick.

The champion would regroup and slowed the match down with some hard forearm shots and a knee to Mike Zee’s throat in the corner. When a back body drop left the challenger laid out, Jafar ran back and forth across the ropes, stopped on a dime, knelt down and grabbed a reverse chin lock.

Mike Zee caught fire later, hit a double underhook DDT and flipped off the champion. Jafar reversed Mike Zee’s attempt at an Olympic Slam into a pin attempt, but could not reverse Mike Zee’s second attempt. Jafar powdered but got back up on the apron fairly quickly. Jafar kicked Mike Zee in the face as he approached and pulled him outside the ring. Moments later, Jafar rolled Mike Zee back into the ring and hit the Cradle Shock.



“Classy” Max Sterling destroys what’s left of Mike Z

As soon as the previous match ended, “Classy” Max Sterling hit the ring once again. This time, it was obvious that he planned to punish the already-defeated Mike Zee. Mike avoided the initial elbow drop attempt by Sterling and landed some punches, but the fresh Sterling choked Mike Zee with his boot and flattened him with a power slam in just over one minute.



Goldy ready to spring into action

The debuting Grayson Kelly attacked Goldy the moment he entered the ring and looked to put Goldy away early. Kelly hit two suplexes, a body slam, and several punches in the corner as the match got underway. In short order, though, Goldy would use back-to-clotheslines and spinning fisherman’s suplexes to shift the momentum. After a two count on a bridging fisherman’s suplex, Goldy took to the apron. As Kelly rose to his feet, Goldy connected with a springboard clothesline.



Gabby Ortiz is coming for everybody

 Gabby Ortiz explained that although the MFPW Women’s Championship was with Mimi in Florida, she and the other women of MFPW still have something to fight for. Until the women’s championship returns, all of the women will be aiming for the Supersonic title. Gabby said she will be entering the tournament and she plans to win.


Colton & D.K. Lewis take a minute to regroup

Bob Evans and Tim Hughes represented Tough Guys, Inc. in this match, but their numbers would grow later. First this match against D.K. Lewis and his impressive mystery partner, Colton Charles who towered over the Tough Guys. Early in the match, Tim Hughes struggled to mount any offense on D.K. Lewis. When the larger Colton Charles tagged in, Hughes ran to the corner to bring in “Brutal” Bob Evans.

The two big men took turns trying to fell the other with clotheslines, but nothing worked. Frustrated, Evans simply punched Colton in the face. D. K. Lewis entered to save Colton, but Evans punched them each simultaneously, then went for a Dusty Rhodes Bionic Elbow. The elbow missed, but Tim Hughes was there with a cross-body that sent Colton and Lewis outside the ring.

As he re-entered, Colton tried to distract the referee as Lewis hit a low blow on Bob Evans, but the referee figured out what happened and called for the disqualification. As Lewis and Colton attacked Hughes after the bell, Michelle and Kodiak hit the ring to make the save. Stunningly, Hughes and Evans turned on Unstable, joined with Colton and Lewis in a four-way-beatdown, then took the microphone and announced that Colton and Lewis had joined Tough Guys, Inc.



Geddy lays it in on Daniel Alexander

Daniel Alexander, who I recently saw perform for Pro Wrestling: R, brought the energy during his entrance, tumbling through, and dancing around, the ring. His opponent, Geddy Cahoon was all business from the outset.

Alexander looked to get a quick start, connecting with chops and back to back drop kicks. However, a monkey flip attempt was unsuccessful and Geddy took control. Alexander managed to escape a power bomb, but was not so lucky when Geddy unleashed the rip cord clothesline. From there, Geddy connected with the power bomb and put Alexander away.



South Philly’s Finest have arrived

Sean Vanore of Golden Era started this match like a ball of fire. Vanore frustrated Jimmy Konway enough to tag out to Luca Brazzi. Brazzi was immediately met with a series of arm drags, a big splash in the corner, and a hurricanrana. The savvy Brazzi used a throat punch to even the score and shift the momentum in the favor of South Philly’s Finest. Brazzi and Konway used frequent tags and some double team moves to maintain their advantage.

Vanore was able to make the tag to Waters who got a two count on a sunset flip, then tagged Vanore back in for a springboard cannonball. The Golden Era teamed up for a double elbow smash to Brazzi, then hit a double elbow drop when he fell to the mat. Brazzi feigned fear in the corner until Waters approached and was met with a slap to the face. Sean Vanore entered the ring, but only managed to distract the referee so South Philly’s Finest could attack Waters on the outside.

Back inside the ring, the challengers hit The Drive-By, an atomic drop/big boot combo move, but a sloppy pin by Brazzi allowed Waters to kick out at two. Brazzi set Waters up on the top rope and nailed him with a superplex. Konway knocked Vanore off the apron to ensure victory, but Brazzi could still not get the pinfall. Brazzi set Waters back up on the top turnbuckle, but Waters knocked Brazzi off, fought off Konway on the apron and hit a cross body to Brazzi.

Waters made the tag to Vanore who leveled Brazzi and knocked Konway off the apron. A step up ensiguri and a neck breaker sent Brazzi to the outside with Konway. Vanore signaled to the crowd and hit a corkscrew plancha to both members of South Philly’s Finest. Vanore threw Brazzi back in, but was nailed by Konway as he climbed to the top rope. SPF hit Sliced Garlic Bread, but missed on a second Drive-By attempt. This gave Vanore the opportunity to hit a backspring cutter and a Sean-ton Bomb to Luca Brazzi.



Test of strength between Haafiz and Twitch

One of the biggest crowd pops of the evening was for the acrobatic Haafiz in this rematch against Lucas “Twitch” DiSangro. There was a good bit of chain wrestling to open the match with neither man able to gain a significant advantage over the other. A test of strength was initiated by Twitch. He managed to push Haafiz down into a pin attempt, but Haafiz was able to kip up and escape.

A frustrated Twitch met Haafiz in the corner, but found himself on the receiving end of a back elbow and a big boot. When Haafiz charged, however, Twitch flattened him with a lariat, locked in a reverse choke, the connected with a series of elbows and punches. Now in the driver’s seat, Twitch went back to the rear choke. Haafiz countered a fisherman’s suplex into a small package, but could not secure the pin.

Finally, Haafiz made his move with repeated strikes and a DDT, followed by a cross body block from the top rope. As the crowd chanted “Fiz, Fiz Fiz” Haafiz sprung into the ring and rolled through for the Flatliner, but was met with a cutter from Twitch. After evading a charging Twitch in the corner, Haafiz connected with the Flatliner and looked for a Victory Roll. Twitch saw it coming, dropped Haafiz back down to the mat and destroyed him with a forearm to the back of the head.



The champ levels Travis Jacobs, LSG & Goldy

The main event of the evening was advertised as Bobby Buffet vs. a mystery opponent. Turns out, there were three mystery opponents. LSG, Goldy and Travis Jacobs answered the call for this championship opportunity and the action was fast and furious. Immediately Buffett sent Jacobs to the outside with a spear and turned his attention to LSG and Goldy. A back body drop sent LSG out of the ring and, as Buffet looked for The People’s Elbow to Goldy, LSG pulled down the ropes and sent the champ tumbling to the outside.

LSG went to work on Goldy inside the ring with a nerve hold, a rear choke, and a suplex. When Travis Jacobs tried to re-enter the ring, LSG knocked him off the apron. Bobby Buffet looked to get back in, as well, but met the same fate. Jacobs jumped back up on the apron and stopped LSG with a face-first suplex. At the same time, Goldy jumped to the top rope and connected with a flying cross body to Jacobs and LSG.

Goldy continued his success with a double clothesline to LSG and Travis Jacobs, followed by an ushi garoshi to each man. Goldy tried to hit a third one on Bobby Buffet, but could not hold the big man up in the air long enough. The three challengers fell into opposite corners and Buffet splashed each one of them. With each man barely standing in the corner, Buffet jumped up and down on the mat, all three challengers fell, and Buffet flattened each with a rolling cannonball.

Jacobs, LSG and Goldy slowed Buffet with a triple superkick that sent the champ outside the ring. Jacobs and LSG placed Goldy on the top rope and climbed up with him for what looked like a double superplex. At that moment, the champ crawled back in and power bombed all three men at the same time.

Buffet covered Jacobs, LSG and Goldy one by one, but managed only a two count on each. The challengers stood up in opposite corners again, but this time everyone focused their attention on LSG. Jacobs and Buffet nailed him with alternating splash and elbows, but each time Goldy charged, LSG somehow was able to counter him. The final time, LSG climbed to the top rope and hit the double blockbuster on Buffet and Travis Jacobs. When they hit the mat, Goldy flew from the top rope with a Sean-ton bomb to LSG.

As the match wound down, all four men were on their feet battling in the center of the ring. A back body drop by Jacobs sent Goldy to the outside. Jacobs tried the same thing to LSG, but was reversed into a German suplex. Each man tried an Oklahoma roll pin combination which ended with LSG in a Jacobs rear choke. Buffet crashed back in with a senton to both men, then grabbed Goldy, and nailed him with Hunger Pains for the hard fought victory.


Monster Factory Pro Wrestling returns on May 14, 2022 at 7pm for “Line at the Buffet” from the World Famous Monster Factory. Tickets are already available here.

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