Live Review – Intergender Bonanza “IGB 11 Bonanzaboree” – 5/6/22

Marcus Mathers looks to put Masha Slamovich through a door

Intergender Bonanza held IGB11 “Bonanzaboree” from the H2O Wrestling Center in Williamstown, New Jersey on May 6, 2022. The show had to be rescheduled from March 12 when an unexpected late snow storm caused a cancellation. As a result, the show was scheduled on the same weekend as their follow-up event, “Super Bonanza” for a full weekend of Intergender Bonanza action.

Stan Stylez and the cWo open IGB 11

The show began with the familiar music of the cWo and the appearance of Stan Stylez, Marc Angel and Adonis Valerio. Stylez was advertised to defend the IGB Heavyweight Championship against a mystery partner in the main event. Stylez said he had to get to catering and demanded his match go on first. His open challenge was seemingly answered by Happy Hour who immediately joined forces with the cWo. Moments later, “Full Time Boss” Kristian Ross, with his tag team partner Chris Bradley, entered the arena and accepted the open challenge.


The Full Time Boss has Stan Stylez right where he wants him

Stylez seemed to be in control of this match early, surprisingly winning a test of strength, but got caught mid-air on cross-body from the second rope. When Ross parlayed that into a front slam, Marc Angel tried to interfere to no avail. So, Stylez distracted the referee while Angel choked Ross with a t-shirt, then used a Marc Angel distraction to choke Ross himself.

The cWo couldn’t hold Ross down for long. Ross reversed a Stylez stunner attempt into a spinebuster, followed by a clothesline, spinning uranage, and power bomb to the champion. Stylez tried to use a purple nurple to slow the challenger’s momentum and looked for the whipped cream. Chris Bradley managed to wrestle the canister away from Stylez just as Ross leveled the champion with a spear.

Unfortunately for Ross, the referee was distracted by Marc Angel and Happy Hour on the outside. As a puzzled Ross realized his pin attempt was for naught, Adonis Valerio entered the ring and clocked the challenger with the championship belt. Always the opportunist, Stylez filled Ross’ mouth with cream and nailed him with a stunner to retain.



Paris Van Dale and Reid Walker get ready to lock up

Reid Walker offered a clean handshake to Paris Van Dale as the match got underway, but ended up with a slap to the face from Van Dale. Walker, who expressed hesitation wrestling a female responded to the slap with a spear and began working the leg of Van Dale. Walker impressively moved from a leg lock, into a leg lock with a bridge chin lock, then up into a surfboard. Van Dale managed to roll over for a near fall to break the hold.

Walker seemed to be in control for a while, but had some trouble putting Van Dale away. A small package, an Oklahoma Roll resulted in just a two count. Van Dale countered with a codebreaker and a bulldog from the corner, but could only manage a two count herself. She hit Eat Defeat, but her DDT attempt was reversed into a flip pin combination by Walker for the sudden victory.



Adonis Valerio celebrates a hard fought victory

Love Doug brought flowers to the ring for Adonis Valerio who seemed unimpressed. Love Doug said Valerio does not believe in love because he’s a loser. The two men locked up and somehow, Valerio ended up with Love Doug’s flowers anyway. As Valerio threw the flowers away into the crowd, Love Doug offered one free smooch which infuriated Valerio even more.

Valerio slapped Love Doug in the face. In response, Love Doug left the ring in search of a healing kiss for his face. Love Doug returned to the ring, punched Valerio and connected with a reverse atomic drop that sent Valerio out to ringside asking a healing kiss for his crotch.

Later, after Doug missed on a bulldog, he connected with a standing Sliced Bread. Adonis Valerio ran to the corner for the championship belt looking to hit Love Doug with it. At the same time, Love Doug went to the opposite corner to retrieve his bouquet of flowers. The referee saw the championship belt first and took it away from Valerio. With the referee’s back turned, Valerio snatched Doug’s flowers, hit Doug with them, and followed up with a pile driver for the win.



Riley Shepard with the aerial attack on Marc Angel

Marc Angel was insistent that Riley Shepard’s sword be put far away before this match could begin. Angel said “If you want to kill a Marc, kill Marcus Mathers, not me.” Shepard said that not only was the sword sheathed, she would take Angel on with one hand behind her back.

An early test of strength ended with Angel grabbing the ropes and calling for Shepard to be disqualified immediately. Angel charged after the clean break only to be hit with two arm drags. Flustered, Angel took to the outside. Riley followed him outside with a basement drop kick and sent Angel into the seats.

Later, Shepard hit an exploder suplex and tried to follow with a German suplex. With the referee’s view blocked, Angel attempted a low blow kick to Riley to block the move. Shepard quickly reminded him that low blows do not work on women, hit a suplex, a full nelson, and a rear choke. With Shepard still holding the rear choke, Angel stood up and backed Shepard into the corner, breaking the hold. Undeterred, Shepard climbed to the second rope for a shotgun drop kick and picked Angel up in a fireman’s carry. The crafty Marc Angel wriggled out, rolled up Shepard and held onto the ropes for a dirty pin.



Darien Hardway pummels Shannon LeVangie in the corner

The young Shannon LaVangie had her work cut out for her against the much larger and stronger Darien Hardway. The Kryptonian began the match simply tossing LeVangie around the ring like nothing. However, a third lockup ended with a LeVangie switching and pushing Hardway down. Darien charged and was tripped by the quicker LeVangie.

When LeVangie hit a hurricanrana, a monkey flip, and a drop kick, Hardway needed a breather on the outside. Shannon walked to the edge of the ring and Hardway pulled her outside by her feet, connected with a belly to back powerbomb on the apron and rolled her back in.

Back inside the ring, LeVangie was able to evade a charging Hardway in the corner and mount some actual offense. Shannon slammed the mat with intensity after hitting a drop kick and charged Hardway in the corner. Hardway lifted LeVangie up and over onto the apron.

LeVangie stunned Hardway with a kick from the apron and a hurricanrana back into the ring, then hit a stunner and signaled for the end. However, when she came off the ropes, Hardway punched her in the face and finished her off with a Razor’s Edge.



Gabby Ortiz is victorious against Ryan Redfield

Gabby Ortiz, who I just saw last week at The Monster Factory, started this with a leg scissors around the neck of Ryan Redfield which Redfield reversed into a headlock causing a reset. A test of strength between the competitors similarly resulted in no advantage for either combatant.

Ortiz would take control using a boot on Redfield’s throat until the referee counted four, then hit two clotheslines and Russian Leg Sweep. Ortiz attempted to capitalize with boots and punches to Redfield in the corner and, when that failed to keep Redfield down, Ortiz hit a spinning neck breaker and climbed on Redfield’s back with a rear choke.

Like Marc Angel earlier in the night, Redfield stood up with Gabby on his back and rammed her into the corner twice. Ortiz fell to the mat just as Redfield came off the ropes with a senton that flattened Gabby. Redfield picked Ortiz up in a fireman’s carry, but was unable to hold her securely. Gabby managed to escape the hold and surprise Redfield with a facebuster and the quick pin.



Masha Slamovich does some serious damage to Marcus Mathers on the outside

The cWo entered the arena yet again before the main event to notify everyone in the crowd that the match would be a no disqualification match. Slamovich used the initial test of strength to power Mathers down to the mat with hands still clasped. Mathers managed to lift alternating shoulders each time the referee started to count the pin until eventually bridging out. In response, Slamovich slapped Mathers in the face.

Mathers’ return forearm shots simply angered Masha who threw Mathers onto the floor and chased him around the ring. When she caught Mathers, the weapons came out in the form of beach balls and balloons. Those were never going to do any damage, so Masha set Mathers down in a ringside chair and kicked him hard in the chest. Mathers reversed, set Masha in a chair, and ran all the way around the ring. Upon his return, Masha threw a steel chair in his face.

Back inside the ring, a flurry of offense left both competitors on the mat. Mathers and Slamovich rose together and began alternating head butts to one another. Up on their feet, they exchanged even more headbutts. Mathers hit a belly to back suplex and Masha countered with one of her own and a serious roundhouse kick.

Slamovich took to ringside and retrieved a wooden door from under the ring. Masha set it up in the corner, but Mathers fought back before she could use it. The two fought furiously until Slamovich picked Mathers up in a torture rack. Mathers escaped, picked up Masha, and power bombed her through the wooden door. When that only garnered a two count, Mathers locked in a rear choked that made Masha tap.


Intergender Bonanza’s next event would take place the following evening. Intergender Bonanza 12 “Super Bonanza” took place on May 7, 2022. I was there for that one, too. Stay tuned for that live review coming soon!!

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